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Fav Thrifted Pants

Hey! I posted a reel on my Instagram (video above) on 1/9/2020 showcasing my favorite thrifted pants I own. All these pants are less than $10 each and are mostly from the kids section. I thrifted majority of these pants from a thrift store called 2nd ave thrift in PG County Maryland, and the other half is mainly from goodwill. Many people tend to go to the mens section to find gems but the children's section of course if you're able to squeeze like I can, could be a secret treasure hunt.

Tip: In your next thrift trip don't be afraid to look in areas you don't normally think to look.

As you can see I have a surprising obsession with track pants and trousers. I will be posting more of my thrifting experiences with you all more often. Follow me on Instagram @itskiannalee and sign up here on my website to stay up to date when I post which is basically everyday.

Here are a few photos of me in some of the thrifted pants:




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I'm Kianna! a 22 year old afro Latina from the bronx. A new vegan and lover of fashion and all things creativity. Welcome to my blog where I share all things me and so much more. 

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