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Starting fresh: Veganism

I’m excited to announce that as of recently I’m officially transitioning into veganism 🥑🥗🥕

sea waves GIF

Disclaimer: I may talk about things that may offend you or go against your opinion. Therefore, if you're annoyed with vegans and their thoughts on animal cruelty, then avoid this, Thanks!


"My reasoning for transitioning is being my love for animals and these past months I’ve been grossed out with meat. While eating meat I would think about how the animal may have suffered and there were times I would have literally gaged. Lastly, when making meat and just seeing the guts, the blood and veins and how it makes me feel after eating it is what takes the cake."

It’s been over a week since I’ve stopped consuming meat, and it’s been a little tough, I’m not gonna lie and say it’s not. Although, I see so much change in my mood after eating, and TMI my digestive situation. It's even crazier to find out how much I am able to control cravings and not really missing it as much as I thought I would. Lastly, the meat alternatives I've been consuming is so interesting and makes me even more confident in my decision.

Struggles Thus Far:

1. Finding alternatives I actually like

2. Affordability

3. Finding fast food restaurants

4. Being around meat eaters

5. Figuring out what recipes to make

In The End

Overall I’m happy with my decision because I’ve been wanting to do this for years now. I believe it’s for real this time 😂. So yeah, I am officially meat free! 🙅🏾‍♀️🐖🐄🐓🦃

Get Inspired

To keep up with all things Vegan Kianna, including recipes, recommendations, food spots, and many more, head over to the Blog and follow me on Instagram (@itskiannalee). I post tons of content regarding my vegan journey on my IG story. You may even find yourself inspired to go Vegan as well or maybe just even try it out.




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I'm Kianna! a 22 year old afro Latina from the bronx. A new vegan and lover of fashion and all things creativity. Welcome to my blog where I share all things me and so much more. 

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